Welcome to the 4th year of the FIU Faculty Mentoring Program! This academic year we continued our partnerships with the Colleges of Arts, Sciences & Education, Engineering & Computing, and the Robert Stempel College of Public Health & Social Work, as well as the Division of Research, in order to bring you an expanded assortment of speakers and workshops.
Workshops were given on the following topics: Mentor Orientations; Funding Your Research; Tips to Tenure, NIAAA/NIH Research Opportunities with Judith Arroyo; If You Build It, Will They Come? Closing the Mental Health Treatment Gap for Latinos with Sergio Aguilar-Gaxiola; Implications of Latino Aging for Medical Care and Social Service Delivery Systems with William Vega; Coping with Difficult Colleagues by Joan Chrisler; Using Program Evaluation Workshop with Len Bickman; Book Publishing Workshop (with editors and faculty panel); Summer Planning & Networking Lunch; and Leadership, as well as two Faculty Mentor Program lunches.
2014-15 Orientation Workshops
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
3:30-5:00pm, AHC4-402
Meet Your Mentor for Lunch
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
12:00-1:30pm, Faculty Club
Fund your Research! Grantwriting Panel
Thursday, October 16, 2014
3:30-4:45pm, WC 130 (adjacent to ECS)
This is an informational panel session on grant-writing for faculty. Join us to learn more about strategies for developing successful proposals. Evelyn E. Gaiser, Department of Biological Sciences, will speak on the perspetive of a reviewer on writing proposals. Franicsco Fernandez-Lima, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, will speak on the ups and downs of proposal writing and funding. Wenzhi Li, Department of Physics, will speak on techniques of writing successful proposals.
Moderator: Rita Teutonico, Division of Research
This event is co-sponsored by the College of Arts & Sciences Research Office.
NIH/NCBI Hands-on Human Genome Workshop on Human Variation and Disease Genes
Friday, November 14, 2014
1:00-5:00pm, AHC2-170
At this session Peter Cooper from the National Institutes of Health & the National Center for Biotechnology Information will speak.
Tips to Tenure and Promotion
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
3:30-4:45pm, AHC-4-101
This presentation will provide faculty with perspectives and advice from the college level as well as the viewpoint of recently tenured faculty.
Faculty Research Series - Women's Rights as Process
Thursday, December 4, 2014
12:00-1:00pm, LC 309
The CWGS Faculty Research Series is featuring Susanne Zwingel this month. Faculty, graduate and undergraduate students are encouraged to attend.
International Women, Gender and Violence Conference
Friday, January 9, 2014
8:00am-5:30pm, MARC Pavilion
The Inaugural International Women, Gender and Violence Conference at Florida International University (FIU) is aimed at advancing integrative solutions to violence by bringing together researchers, community advocates, and service providers.
Meet Your Mentor for Lunch
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
12:00-1:30pm, Faculty Club
NIAAA/NIH Research Opportunities
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
3:00-5:00pm, AHC4-402
This talk will present compelling epidemiologic evidence on use and abuse of alcohol among racial and ethnic minorities.
If You Build It, Will they Come? Closing the Mental Health Treatment Gap for Latinos
Thursday, February 12, 2015
3:30-4:45pm, AHC4-402
Mental disorders are commonly occurring and major drivers of suffering, disability, health care costs, and disease burden. To compound this problem, most of the individuals who suffer from mental disorders and who are in need of treatment remain untreated although effective treatments are available. Dr. Aguilar-Gaxiola will examine the extent of this treatment gap in ethnically and racially diverse populations in the United States.
Implications of Latino Aging for Medical Care and Social Service Delivery Systems
Monday, March 2, 2015
3:30-4:45pm, AHC4-402
William Vega from the University of Southern California will be speaking.
Roundtable Discussion on NSF CAREER Awards
Monday, March 9, 2015
1:30-3:00pm, EC 2300
Rajinder P. Khosla will be visiting to discuss the NSF CAREER grant opportunity, provide information of value to CAREER grantseekers, and answer questions.
Using Program Evaluation in Research
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
3:30-4:45pm, AHC4-402
Program evaluation is the systematic assessment of the processes and/or outcomes of a program, usually with the intent of furthering its development and improvement. This introductory lecture will describe the basics of program evaluation methods and theories including design, assessment, implementation analyses, and program theory. The barriers and incentives for conducting evaluations in our society will also be discussed. The talk will illustrate how many of the unique techniques developed in program evaluation can be utilized in areas of research.
3D MAX & 2D MAXene nanomaterials and Egypt Pyramids
Friday, April 10, 2015
2:00-4:00pm, EC 1105
Michel W. Barsoum will present compelling scientific evidence – including C-dating results - that some of the pyramid blocks were cast using a combination of weathered limestone, diatomaceous earth and lime.
Book Publishing Workshop
Friday, April 17, 2015
10:00am-4:00pm, AHC4-402
This workshop is designed to provide junior faculty in the humanities with information and advice on academic book publishing. A morning roundtable will feature perspectives from university press editors and faculty authors. Participants can meet with the editors individually in the afternoon. Eugene O'Connor from Ohio State University Press and Eli Bortz from Vanderbilt University Press will be speaking.
Summer Planning & Networking Lunch
Thursday, April 30, 2015
12:00-2:00pm, GC 243
Women Faculty Leadership Institute
Thursday, May 7, 2015
10:00am-3:00pm, Frost Museum
Please join us for the 5th Annual FIU Women Faculty Leadership Institute, with Keynote Address, Gender and Teaching Evaluations, by Dr. Susan Basow, Lafayette College, followed by a networking lunch, and a panel discussion with the Provost's Council for the Advancement of Women and Minority Faculty.