The Bystander Leadership Program was a one-day, highly interactive and immersive educational program that was intended to move participants from “insight” to “action” by offering skills training to increase civility and cooperation among faculty.
Bystander Steps
As taught during the Bystander Leadership Program, the five steps of bystander leadership are:
(1) Notice the event: What specifically happened in the interaction/situation?
(2) Interpret the problem: What is your interpretation of the event? To what extent does the interaction touch on gender and/or race issues?
(3) Lead by assuming responsibility: What is your responsibility to take action and what are the consequences of inaction?
(4) Decide how to respond: What are some ways you could intervene to interrupt, support, facilitate, or transform the situation using immediate or delayed responses?
(5) Act: Act upon your chosen intervention technique by practicing the techniques learned.
Live Theater
ADVANCE Live Theater, a sustainable, interactive, and educational theater program, was an integral part of the Bystander Leadership Program. Plays were enacted by professional actors and post-dialogue discussions, led by an experienced faculty developer, and structured within a highly interactive curriculum.
Bystander Components
The Bystander Leadership Program was comprised of two components:
(1) Insight or “consciousness-raising” and
(2) Action or active bystander intervention and prevention.
The consciousness-raising component familiarized faculty with concepts such as bias, power and privilege, intersectionality, and oppression.
The active bystander intervention and prevention component provided experience with using a variety of behavioral interventions to increase knowledge of and confidence in using specific type of interventions to promote inclusion.